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Please read the atachment and answer each question. Please write at least 200 words per each case (not 200 words per question of each case), which is supposed to have a minimum of 400 words in total. PLEASE DO NOT COPY SENTENCES OR PHRASES OF SENTENCES DIRECTLY FROM TEXTBOOKS.

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Opening Case: Creating the World’s Biggest Free Trade Zone

QUESTION 1: Supporters of the proposed new trade deal between the United States and the European Union claim that it will make all countries involved better off. Do you agree? Who stands to lose as a result of the trade pact?

QUESTION 2: What does the proposed agreement between the United States and the European Union mean for U.S. companies selling to the European Union? Will consumers benefit?

Closing Case: The Rise of India’s Drug Industry

QUESTION 1: How might (a) U.S. pharmaceutical companies and (b) U.S. consumers benefit from the rise of the Indian pharmaceutical industry?

QUESTION 2: Who might have lost out as a result of the recent rise of the Indian pharmaceutical industry?

QUESTION 3: Do the benefits from trade with the Indian pharmaceutical sector outweigh the losses?

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