philosophy 89

I uploaded the pages of the book’

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the questions of 20 word minimum :

1- Explain one reason West thinks this book is important. If you agree,

explain one reason why you think he is right. If you disagree, explain one reason

why you disagree.

2- Explain one reason why Darby and Shelby edited this book. If you

agree, explain one reason why you think they are right. If you disagree, explain

one reason why you disagree.

3- Give at least one way that (to Green or generally) perceptions

may not be as reliable as we often think (whether sensory perceptions or another

sort. Give an example.

4- Describe how one idea you’ve experienced as expressed in some

theme, artist, song/piece, in hip hop, or spoken word expresses or challenges a

particular idea expressed in the text.

5- Explain at least one important idea expressed in Gil Scott-Heron’s

“Whitey on the Moon” or “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,” or Killer Mike’s

video and song Reagan, or Public Enemy’s “911 Is Joke,” or another video,

song, or spoken word piece we have watched in class. Elaborate on this

important idea, explaining why you see it as important.

6- Explain another possible solution to this paradox.

the questions of 40 word minimum :

1- Explain one view of love (from those who see it as a positive thing)

and the reasoning given for its importance. Answer according to some idea

you’ve experienced as expressed in some theme, artist, song/piece, in hip hop,

or spoken word.

2- Explain why, according to Descartes, an external object is not

perceived with the sense organs alone. To Descartes, how does perception take


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