leadership short paper

The leadership paper should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, APA (sixth edition) format. The paper is based on the following:

You are to select and view ONE of the below movies:

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1. Schmidt, A. (Producer), Wallace, R. (Director). (2002). We Were Soldiers [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount.

2. MacDonald, L. (Producer), Scott, R. (Director). (2000). Gladiator [Motion Picture]. United States: Dreamworks & Universal Pictures.

3. Field, F. (Producer), & Zwick, E. (Director). (1989). Glory [Motion Picture]. United States: Sony Pictures.

Or TV series:

4. The Office, US version (you may use one or more episodes, just make sure to properly cite the reference).

5. MASH (you may use one or more episodes, just make sure to properly cite the reference).

6. House, MD (you may use one or more episodes, just make sure to properly cite the reference). I highly encourage you to use this series, it has numerous excellent examples.

Paper Content

A. After viewing the movie or TV show, select one of the supervisors (leaders).

B. Discuss THREE supervisory techniques that they used, using specific examples from the movie or TV episode. Do not spend too much effort explaining the background or details of the scenario, just get to the point.

C. Make sure to discuss the following topics:

i Which of the supervisory techniques were effective? Why?

ii. Which supervisory techniques were not effective? Why?

iii. Pick one scene and discuss what you would have done different as a supervisor and why.

iv. How does a high stress environment like war or the emergency room affect supervisory techniques, as compared to peacetime (or a less stressful environment)?

v. What supervisory trait do you most relate to and why? You should include a personal account from your life.

vi. Why do supervisors fail if they are using a “textbook” technique? Explain using the scenes from the movie / show or your own personal life to enhance your explanation.

If you have already seen the movie or TV show episode, you may “skim” it to refresh yourself.

If you do not want to watch any of the above movies or TV shows, you must email me by week TWO for an alternate assignment.
Alternate topics include Leaders in the News; Corporate Leadership Failures/Successes and/or Government Failures/Successes.

Make sure that your paper has an abstract on the second page of the paper. You should have a title page, abstract page, 2-3 pages of body content and the last page should be references.

Use at least 3 references on your paper. They should be articles that support your paper.

Paper should contain no more than 20% direct citations or quotations. That means 80% should be your own analysis, thoughts, and ideas. Before submitting your paper, please make sure that it is checked using Turn It In checker

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