health care issues

Research and select an issue from one of the following categories that has or may have an influence on U.S. health care policies:

  • Changing social norms at the state level
  • Shifting health care priorities in the United States
  • Impacts of global health care on U.S. policy
  • Effects of health care on our environment

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that discusses the impact that issue selected can have on changing health care policy.

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  • Describe the issue selected.
  • Identify people or groups of people the issue impacts.
  • Describe the impact the issue has at the state and federal level.
  • Describe how likely it is the issue selected may change health care policy.

Cite at least 2 reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications; government or agency websites; scholarly works; your textbook, Health Policymaking in the United States (6th ed.); or other sources of similar quality.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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