find at least two travel tourism related articles and analyze them for cultural aspects and their marketing strategies

Tourism is often one of the largest economic drivers for a local economy. According to the Desert Sun Newspaper, in an article posted on May 23, 2014, titled Events drove $5.8B tourism industry to record levels (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

“In 2013, more than 180,000 attended the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, with about 45,000 attending Stagecoach: California’s Country Music Festival. The combined 2013 regional economic impact of the events exceeded $254 million”

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After reading the article (link above), GO to various tourist websites (example, Then find at least two travel/tourism related articles. Analyze these sites for cultural aspects and their marketing strategies. Then analyze the articles for cultural aspects.

Finally, in a 1 page response discuss what you found, incorporating answers the following for each source of information analyzed.

  • What kind of cultural information is presented?
  • Who is the intended audience for the website/ article?
  • How are the host communities portrayed?
  • Are the host communities portrayed as welcoming or retreating from tourists? Why?
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