python 101 lab 1

please find the lab attached to this and do it for me thanks

please find the lab attached to this and do it for me thanks

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please find the lab attached to this and do it for me thanks

please find the lab attached to this and do it for me thanks

please find the lab attached to this and do it for me thanks


After creating Turtles to move in your previous labs, you decide to foray into the fascinating world of Thomas the Train (ctrl+click). Inspired by your wild summer craze in 2002, you would like to create your own Thomas artwork and be immortalized forever. As a first step, you have been hired to create a graphic for the Thomas the Train Show. The graphic must show a train, any of the trains, doesn’t have to be Thomas (Percy has been a little jealous over all of Thomas’s fame). You are welcome to recreate an existing graphic or create something new that is appropriate.

Thomas the Train Graphic – 10 points

Use Python Turtle Graphics to design and draw a simple Thomas graphic. Here is a picture and another picture. of one such graphic that is intended to depict Thomas with straight lines like a Minecraft graphic.

Requirements and Grading

  • 4points – The Python solution is easy to understand and does not contain unnecessary code. Use functions to draw repeated stuff such as wheels, for loops when helpful and use good programming skills.
  • 2 points – In the D2L Dropbox comment box, provide a brief description of your picture. For the sample picture above, the comment might be something like My graphic is Francis or Percy the train.
  • 4points – Creativity, Quality and Aesthetics. In the context of what we know about turtle graphics, make a graphic that would impress your friends!

Helpful Hints


At the end of the lab, show your TA your creation, Train Beauty Pageant. Supposed to be fun, be creative.

Hall of Fame Solutions, last year they had to do Pokeman characters, here are some good ones. I don’t know what one of these things are…..

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