why do we write

Prompt: Your goal is to analyze both your own approach and history with reading and writing (Narative) and reflect on the things you have learned or plan to incorporate from the two sources you have chosen (Response).

Your thesis should reflect your relationship with reading and writing, and/or the effect reading has had on your life. The first part of your essay should mirror a format like “The Lonely, Good Company of Books,” “One Writer’s Beginnings” or “Superman and Me” where you tell the story of your relationships with books. The second half of your essay, should be focused on the following:

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  • An analysis of either strategies and devices you would like to emulate or reproduce in your own writing (aka things in the three sources you would like to use) or strategies and devices you will never use or reproduce in your writing because of the author’s inaffective application in the work. (Basically, in this part of the essay, I would like you to reflect on the two sources you have chosen and talk about what you really liked or what you really hated, and how you can implement those thing in your own writing.)
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