marginalized histories in early jazz

Read the two of the three following articles which deal with the ways Jazz History is gendered. “Separated at ‘Birth’: Singing and the History of Jazz by Lara Pellegrinelli in Big Ears: Listening for Gender in Jazz Studies “With Lovie and Lil: Rediscovering two Jazz Pianists of the 1920” by Jeffery Taylor in Big Ears Listening for Gender in Jazz Studies “When did Jazz go Straight?: A Queer Question for Jazz Studies” by Sherrie Tucker in Critical Studies in Improvisation Write a short synthesis essay that summarizes the main points of the articles you studied and identifies any resonances and tensions between them. Conclude your essay with a well-thought out opinion of the topics at hand and reference any points of resonance you can think of outside of Jazz History. A few key questions to consider might be: How can contemporary historians interrupt heteronormative and masculine biases in tellings of Jazz History? What should Jazz Historians do? What are the stakes of reclaiming or rediscovering artists (particularly Women or Queer artists) whose perspectives have been suppressed throughout the 20th century? Why might it be challenging to do this? How do tellings of Jazz History seem to compare to other areas of scholarship you are well-acquainted with in terms of including a multitude of perspectives?

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