concept research paper 5 6 pages

Explaining a Concept Research Paper

In the Explaining a Concept Paper, you will simply want to explain a concept of your choice, using research to support your explanations/definitions. This paper should be at least 5-6 pages long (a minimum of 1000-1500 words), it should include at least three sources, and it should accomplish the following:

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  • Inform your particular audience about a specific subject.
  • Present information confidently and efficiently.
  • Use established information for support, as well as personal “evidence” (if applicable) such as short anecdotes and examples from your own experience, or the experience of others.
  • Maintain an informative tone (not an argumentative tone, as this is not an argumentative or persuasive paper).
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Papers on the following topics will not be accepted:
    • abortion
    • capital punishment
    • euthanasia
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