eassay one for homeland


The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report (QHSR) is a regular quadrennial review and assessment of homeland security and identifies homeland security missions and goals to protect the United States. The five missions and goals are identified on page 15 of the textbook reading.

Choose one of the five QHSR missions. Conduct research on the mission and goals using the CSU Online Library (e.g., the International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center database) or other scholarly resources, and discuss the following issues:

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  1. Choose one mission, and explain the purpose of the mission and goals.
  2. Conduct research, and identify a hazard or risk where the mission has been utilized to protect the United States.
  3. Analyze and evaluate whether the goals of the mission were accomplished.
  4. Discuss the outcome and whether the mission and goals require revision to improve homeland security.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should contain a title page and reference page. The title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement.

Format the paper using APA style. Write the essay in a formal writing style rather than a conversational writing style. Include two scholarly references, one of which can be the textbook. At least one source should be from the CSU Online Library since it is a valuable resource for homeland security information.

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