characteristics of clinical psychology practitioners

Having a clinical psychology practice is not a 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. profession. The day does not end when a clinical psychologist leaves the office, as many are often on call for client emergencies. Many others work in 24-hour facilities, such as in-patient psychiatric facilities and hospitals. Clients who require the services of a clinical psychologist often seek treatment for severe problems, including but not limited to major depression, schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), developmental disorders, and personality disorders. Some clients are in a fragile state and may even be at risk for a suicide attempt. Not everyone has what it takes to work in such an intense profession. Clinical psychologists require a set of characteristics that help them excel in this line of work. As you begin your development as a clinical psychologist, it is important to evaluate yourself against the characteristics needed to be an effective clinical psychology practitioner.

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Post by Day 4 a description of one characteristic of effective clinical psychology practitioners that you possess and how this characteristic will be an advantage to your professional practice. Then, describe one characteristic of effective clinical psychology practitioners on which you think you can improve and explain how you might do so. Be specific.

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