public relation mini project

this is a team project, need total 20 interviews, I already did 5 interview, still need add 15 more interviews. The writing instruction is post in the attached file, please check. Only need to do section 1 and 2.

Only need to do section 1 and section 2.

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Please read the instruction carefully before writing. This work don’t need to record you working process, but need you to make analysis of your findings.

“Section 2: General findings (the following are just prompts to get you thinking) • Overarching themes across participants (I do not want a breakdown person by person – this is your team analysis across participants. This is the fun part.) o What did they get right? Wrong? o Commonalities? Differences? • Observations in terms of how they responded. Level of comfort, etc. • Examples – include representative quotes”.

My original work is post in the attached file. The writing requirement is post title “Defining PR mini project”.

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