discussion using improvement science models to promote quality and safety

In this Discussion, you examine quality improvement models and evaluate how they could be applied to address specific issues within health care organizations.

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  • Evaluate each of the models and select two on which to focus for this Discussion.
  • Consider how each of the two models could be utilized in a health care organization to promote quality and safety. Think about the following:
    • How does the model bring together research and evidence-based practice to facilitate quality improvement?
    • How does the model contribute to a culture of quality and safety?
    • How does it address changes in process?
  • Reflect on the quality improvement issue and the health care setting that you are addressing for your Course Project. Of the two models that you have selected, determine which one you, as a nurse leader-manager, would use to address this issue. Also consider how this would relate to one or more of the IOM’s six aims for quality and safety.

By Day 2

Post your analysis of how the two improvement models that you selected could foster a culture of quality and patient safety and facilitate changes in process that promote positive outcomes. Explain how you would use one of these models to address the quality improvement issue in the organization that you have selected for your Course Project, and how doing so would relate to one or more of the IOM’s six aims for improving quality and safety.

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