the nature of technology and technological change 2

In the readings for this week, you will find widely varying debates about the nature of technology and technological change, as well as the ways in which technology interacts with organizational processes. To prepare for this assignment, review the required readings for this week and read the following three articles.

Camilleri, M. A. (2015).
Valuing stakeholder engagement and sustainability reporting.
Corporate Reputation Review, 18(3), 210-222. Retrieved from doi:10.1057/crr.2015.9

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Imran, M. K., Rehman, C. A., Aslam, U., & Bilal, A. R. (2016).
What’s organization knowledge management strategy for successful change implementation?
Journal of Organizational Change Management,
29, 1097-1117. Retrieved from doi:10.1108/JOCM-07-2015-0130

Radhika, R., & John, F. (2016).
E-recruitment – An organizational change.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies,
3(4), 78-86.

  • Identify dynamic capabilities in one of the middle east organization. Justify why and how these capabilities are contributing to competitive advantage and outline how they differ from “resources”.
  • Discuss how these capabilities can help to retain competitive advantage in the face of technological changes/disruptions.


Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

– Be 5 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.

– make sure to include introduction and conclusion for the paper

– Formatted according to APA writing guidelines.

– Be sure to use at least 3 current, scholarly references those published within the most recent five-year period and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals + use all the 5 required reading articles above.

– Citing references as appropriate in each paragraph. *** very important***

– Utilize headings to organize the content in your work. *** very important***

– The plagiarism percentage allowed is 20% only, i will be checking it using TurnItIn.

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