supply chain for yoga fit

There are TWO parts to this component.

Part One:
In about 2-3 paragraphs provide a high level view of your supply chain. Consider what you will need to successfully take your product to market and where you might encounter breaks or obstacles in the chain.

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You should also address the issue of what type of suppliers you might need and where they are located. What issues do you anticipate? Do not forget to consider political, trade and social issues. If you need a steady supply of coffee or chocolate, will you buy only Fair Trade? Are there child labor issues? Import restrictions?

Part Two:
You will create Word chart with three columns:

Up stream


Down stream

For each of the columns, identify 4-5 items that you will need for a complete supply chain. Bullets are fine, but make sure that you are clear.

In the last row, list your typical end user. Are you direct to consumer or are you selling to a retailer or wholesaler? In some cases, you may have an entirely different end user.

Your chart will look similar to this:(Attached to file below)

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