research paper 710

  • Read the case study # 1 Uploaded below and answer the following questions:
    • Did the facility have sufficient evidence to suspend the nurse?
    • How should the testimony of the other nurses in the unit affect the outcome of this case?
    • What additional questions should the institution address before the court rules in this case?
    • How would you have ruled in this case?
  • Read the case study # 2 uploaded below and answer the following questions:
    • Did the ANP have a duty to consult with the child’s physician or another emergency center physician regarding the possibility of child abuse before she reported her findings to the case worker?
    • What questions would you anticipate might be asked regarding the injury itself and the possibility that the child had caused her own injury?
    • Did the ANP have a duty to report the injury, even though the diagnosis was not absolutely conclusive at the point that the child was initially examined?
    • How would you determine liability in this case, assuming that the trial court found liability against any of the three defendants?
  • Read the case study # 3 uploaded below and answer the following questions:
    • Did the nurse manager have a responsibility to supervise the care of the patient?
    • Was the care of this patient appropriately assigned to the LPN by the charge nurse, or could the charge nurse have delegated this patient’s care more appropriately?
    • If the charge nurse assigned the care of the patient to the LPN, did she retain any supervisory responsibility that would result in her liability in this case?
    • How do the principles associated with delegation and supervision figure into this case?
    • How would you decide this case?
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