need help with discussion 18

1) Read Section 1.6, A Moment in the Life of an HR Manager, from Chapter 1 of the course text and watch Aligning HR With Business Strategy Featuring Wayne Cascio, PhD (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Do you believe frontline managers have an active role in HR? Why or why not? Compare the functions and practices of human resource managers with front-end managers and provide examples to support your point of view. Your initial post must be a minimum of 250 words. Cite at least one scholarly source to support your response.

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2) Economics is the study of how society chooses to allocate its scarce productive resources (labor, capital, land, entrepreneurial talent).

In a mixed economy, elements of both central planning and market allocation of resources are used in allocating productive resources. The United States economy is a mixed economy, with a bias towards market allocation of resources. This means most resources are allocated in the private sector by way of markets.

Discuss whether you favor a larger or smaller role of government in the economy. Refer to concepts found in the reading to support your opinion.

Reference: Chapter 2: Markets, Governments, and Nations: The Organization of Economic Activity

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