War on Drugs Reflection Essay Assignment

How has the “war on drugs” policy impacted Black and Brown communities? Consider this question from one or more of these 3 perspectives:

In the past, did you hold mistaken beliefs about the war on drugs and its impact on Black and Brown communities? Why did your perspective change (or is it still in the process of changing)?
Do you have friends, family members, or colleagues who hold mistaken beliefs about how the war on drugs has impacted Black and Brown communities? Consider what you’d say or do to change their viewpoint.
Have you seen a TV series, movie, or book take an approach that romanticizes or reinforces misconceptions about how the war on drugs has affected Brown and/or Black communities? If so, how would you change the story line to model a better approach?
Regardless of whichever of these perspective(s) you choose, be sure to focus on this question: Did racial bias (whether conscious or unconscious) influence someone’s viewpoint?

Write your response in a 900-1,200 word paper. Use a font that’s similar in size to 12-point Times New Roman, and double space your text.
References need to be within 10 years

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