Substance Use Treatment Facility Field Experience Assignment

Visit a non-profit or government substance use treatment facility and submit a site visit (either in-person or virtual) report detailing your observations.

Recommended Site Visit Report Guidelines

Name of Agency
Type of Agency
Web Site
Location(s) of Program
Person Met With
Their Title
General Overview
History of the Organization
Organizational Chart (administrative structure)
Organizational Chart (clinical structure)
Funding Sources: IL DHS/DASA, Local (708 Boards), Fundraising, Private Pay
Fundraising Efforts (if applicable)
Grant Writing Capability
Vision/Mission Statement
Philosophy of Organization
Models of Treatment
Population Served (target population)
Types of Clinical Services Provided
Utilization Review Process (UR) Peer Review
Quality Assurance (QA)
Consumer Satisfaction Surveys (results)
Use of Evidence Based Treatment
Best Practices
Staffing Patterns
Training Program (training plan)
Admissions Process
Outcome Research/Studies\

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