Minority and Diversity

Top-level management must demonstrate and communicate a vision that includes a diverse culture within the organization. This is most effective when leaders are open-minded and embrace the differences in their workforce. Using appropriate language, both written and verbal, and behaviors to promote a culture of inclusiveness sets the stage from which followers take their cues. Identifying goals and strategies that are outlined in an organization’s plans and objectives demonstrates a culture of inclusion and value of all workers.


A diverse workforce offers many viewpoints that, when guided by an effective leader, yields greater productivity and achievement of goals. Leaders should provide opportunities for workers to be evaluated and promoted equally.

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In this assignment, you will write your own diversity plan recommendation. Based on the information you derived from hiring processes and leadership styles, write a recommendation of 2–3 pages to your boss about what you think should be included in the diversity plan within your organization.


Assignment Guidelines

  • Create a diversity plan recommendation in 750–1,000 words.
  • What diversity issues might you encounter when creating a plan for federal agencies? Explain.
  • What important elements should be included in the diversity plan within your organization? Explain.
    • Be sure to use research evidence to support your arguments.
  • What techniques can you use to implement the proposed training plan? Summarize each selected technique.
    • Examples may include the following:
      • Training programs
      • Role-playing workshops
      • Evaluation methods
      • Skills development
  • You must use at least 2 scholarly sources.
  • All sources must be referenced using APA style.
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