Language Acquisition Journal
Choose a phenomenon, an experiment, or an issue from this week’s materials (online lectures or
additional readings) that interests you and engages your curiosity.
a) Describe and explain the phenomenon. Describe it thoroughly enough so that another person
who has not read the course materials could understand it.
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Order Paper Nowb) Explain why is it interesting to you.
c) Describe some important research on this phenomenon (referencing the authors and year
of the study) and the logic underlying it.
d) relate this phenomenon to something else you have read in the course and elaborate, OR d) explain a burning issue or follow up question that interests you and describe how you would design a study to further investigate this phenomenon.
Make sure to complete and clearly label each section (a,b,c,d) of your answer using the followinglabelsin the template below: a) Describe b) Why Interesting?c) Research d) Relate/Follow up.
Note: do not write out the entire question along
with your response as it will produce a high overlap score in Turnitin.
Journal Submission Template DEP 3115
Student Name: Semester:
a) Describe:
b) Why Interesting?
c) Research:
d) Relate / Follow up: