Introduction to Philosophy

In a research paper two to three pages in length, define and argue a position for the nature of the humanity and the enduring self.  What does it mean to be human?  What makes one a human person?


You must posit a position and give three substantial reasons as to why you hold to your particular view about human nature.  Please use at least two articles on this topic and to support your argument.  Remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources.  You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully.  These resources must be cited in APA format.

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Please consider the following questions as you develop your position:



  • •What do I believe is a human person?  What makes a person a person (soul, genetic makeup, appendages, reason, etc.)?
  • •Why am I for this view?
  • •What if one was to lose his/her limbs, cells, their memory, etc, would that person no longer be a person or would they no longer be the same person?
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