international business easy assignment

Hi – I need someone do 3 casses for this chapter

So it’s same but just need to paraphrase them or whatever to seems for 3 different students.

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It’s so easy just need to follow the professor instructions and I upload the ppt for the chapter so it will help a lot finiding the ans

Ch 2 – Debating Globalization Case

Due: Sep 14, 2018 at 11:59 PM

This case is due on September 14th by 11:59PM on Canvas. Please submit in a Microsoft-compatible format or pdf.

The Case and Four Case Questions can be found in the Chapter 2 pdf file on pages 89 and 97 respectively.

You must complete six (6) Chapter case assignments during the semester.You may complete 7 Chapter case assignments, and I will include only the four highest grades for your final Chapter case assignment grade. You may also complete 8 cases with one of the cases used for a maximum of 5 extra points to use how you see fit.

Globalization: Starbucks vs. McDonald's

Grading Rubric for Questions On Late Submissions: If the assignment is turned in late, which means during class or after class, the questions will be graded according to the rubric below and then half of the points will be subtracted from the grade. For example, if you would have earned 3/3 on the questions; once the assignment is late, your score will be 1.5/3.
0 points Not answered at all and if answered, answered with a phrase or a couple words.
0.25 points The question is not completely answered. Minimal answer with one complete sentence. Does not state complete facts from the case or only states beliefs.
0.5 points Only a part of the question is answered. This part is a good answer which uses facts from the case as well as an informed opinion based on those facts.
0.75 points

1.Part of the question is completely answered. This part is a good answer which uses facts from the case as well as an informed opinion based on those facts.

2.The other part of the question is not completely answered. The answer is minimal with one complete sentence. This part of the answer does not state complete facts from the case and/or only states unsupported belief or opinion.

1.0 point

In order to receive full credit for this question, both parts of the question must be completely answered with facts from the case as well as a logical opinion based on those facts. In addition, if outside information from the Net is researched and used, this is an added benefit to create a superlative answer.

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