industrial-labor relation

outside the USA organized labor is quit varied in both structure and focus, with the on-going growth of a global marketplace, and the movement of work from anther part of the world to another, it is important to understand the way in which labor group reflect “local” perspective.

descried the role of organized labor in

1. describe various economic and educational stranded in Turkey:

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a) general wage rates and per capita wage levels.

b) overall employment levels and percentage of unionized employment.

c) educational and training expectations for employment in general.


2. describe the over all global business interests Turkey:

a) predominant labor organizations in Turkey

b) legislation enacted to support or to discourage unionization and dgree of government involvement in CB process. 

c) impact of legal issues, such as EOC, related to work on unionized workplaces.

d) typical bargaining structure with employer(s). 


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