disaster recovery assignment k

Complete the real world exercises at the end of the chapter. Write your answers in complete sentences and use APA formatting rules. Each answer should be a minimum of 1 paragraph (3 or more sentences)

End of chapter 9 Real world exercises (page 396)

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End of chapter 10 Real world exercises (page 430)

Chapter 9:
1. Using a Web browser, search for the following terms: “business continuity
planning,” “disaster recovery planning,” “business resumption planning,”
and “contingency planning.” Review the examples and definitions
you find. What do you notice about the semantic concepts behind the
searches for these compound terms?
2. Using a Web browser, access the online version of Disaster Recovery Journal (www.drj.
com). Review the articles in the latest issue (this may require some form of user registration).
Identify articles that the individuals in the Opening Case Scenario would benefit
from at this point in their process. Bring them to class to discuss.
3. Using a Web browser, search for the term “disaster recovery plan.” Identify three or
four examples of what appear to be comprehensive plans, different from the samples
presented in this chapter. What do these have in common? Create an outline for a DR
plan using these examples. Bring them to class to discuss.

Chapter 10:
1. Imagine that a disaster, such as a fire, has befallen your home, damaging
your belongings and some of the interior walls. What would your priorities
be in assessing the damage and working to reoccupy your home? Create
a prioritized list and timetable to accomplish this task.
2. This chapter listed several natural disasters that routinely occur in various
parts of the United States. Using a Web browser or library research tool, identify the disasters
that occur regularly in your area. Prioritize this list based on probability of occurrence
and potential damage. What should organizations in your area do to prepare for
these disasters?
3. Using a Web browser, search for organizations in your area (and nearby areas) that
offer DR training. What topics do they cover in their training? Create a list of the topics
covered by each organization and look for topics covered across the offerings.

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