analyzing and quantifying risk

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Conduct an analysis of the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homeland Security Quadrennial Review (HSQR), Bottom Up Review (BUR), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Years (FY) 2014–2018 Strategic Plan (StratPlan), and the DHS FY2015 Budget in Brief (BIB). Prepare a decision support paper. The paper provides a summary of the DHS Strategic Plan and Budget priorities, identifies any agency or directorate priority misalignments, and provides recommendations for agency or directorate program priority alignment within the DHS StratPlan. Justification of all recommendations is required within the report.

Your report is a decision support paper and should be formatted as a formal report. The report should address the following items:

  • Purpose statement
  • Background discussion
  • Analysis methodology discussion
  • Summary and findings of review for each specified document:
    • Homeland Security Quadrennial Review (HSQR)
    • Bottom-Up Review (BUR)
    • the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Years (FY) 2014–2018 Strategic Plan (StratPlan), and the DHS FY2015 Budget in Brief (BIB)
  • Summary of key findings
  • Provide any recommendations that you may have
  • Reference all source material and citations using APA 6th edition

*Please use the attached template and attached outline

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